The following information was provided to potential participants when recruitment was ongoing; it has now ended.

Risks and Benefits


  • The risk to you is no more than you would normally experience while driving.
    • Except for your two visits to the data collection location at the beginning and end of the study, you are not being asked to alter your daily driving routines in any way.
  • The vehicle is equipped with cameras.
    • If you drive into an area where cameras are not allowed, including international border crossings, certain military and intelligence locations, and certain manufacturing facilities, there is a risk that you may be detained or arrested or that your vehicle may be impounded.
    • We have provided a letter for the glove box which can be used to demonstrate your vehicle’s role in the study while still maintaining your confidentiality.
  • If your role in the study is made known, then we may not be able to protect your identifying information.
    • To help us protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health. The protections provided by this certificate are fully described on the Informed Consent page.
    • However, you should also take responsibility for protecting the fact of your participation in this study. Do not post or disclose your participation on any public forum including websites, Facebook, newspapers, radio and television. Protect your role in the study the same way that you protect other personal and private information. If you do not keep confidential your role in the study, there is a risk that some of the data collected during the study, including your personally identifying information, may be used against you in a court case or other legal proceeding.
  • The risk of completing the assessment portion while equipment is installed on your vehicle is no more than when you are doing activities in your daily life like filling in forms, walking, squeezing your hand, and working at a computer.


  • You may find the experience interesting.
  • Participation will help to improve the body of knowledge regarding driving behavior and safety.
  • Participation may also help us design safer vehicles and roadways in future years.

While compensation is not considered a benefit per se, information about compensation may be found on the Compensation page.